Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tornadoes Sport

         This year was not a bad year for tornadoes in sport. At first they had a good season in football. The almighty Tornadoes showed how much potential they have. They had an impressive record within 8-3. That wasn't all for football. Two of the players was signed for full scholarship. The captain Kassan Superme got a full scholarship to the University of Massachusetts and Marcquiso Jean for college. It wasn't a bad year for basketball either. Even though their record wasn't necessarily the best they had some really good games. The players played their hearts out and that's all that matters. Some of the players told me that their relationships grew closer than ever. This showed that their team work was remarkable. This season was pretty a special season for one of the players Khalid Muhammad. He scored his 1,000 point at the big rival Orange vs. West Orange game. He dropped thirty points which made the team win, with the help of his teammate Adam who scored 17 points. The boys J.V basketball team had more successful season than the varsity team, some of the players showed their real talent like Galaxy and Nafiz Gomez who are the new favorite J.V players in Orange High School. The Wrestling and the bowling team had a great season the bowling team; won their first trophy for the school they were undefeated. The wrestling team had some great victories they only lost about 3 matches leading the team Shaquan Pridgen made a new record he was undefeated so was his teammate Jonathan. So far Tornados Have shown the best team effort in all sport we expect nothing less for spring sport season.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Congratulations To Janov Clervil

            Art students at Orange High School and their teacher also deserve congratulations for having their work displayed at the annual Art Administrators of New Jersey (aanj) Emerging Artist Exhibit 2012 at the James Howe Gallery, Vaughn Eames Building at Kean University in Union. Orange High School students Janov Clervil, Glendy Soriano and Luis Portillo and their instructor, Nate Brown, all deserve recognition for this honor.
          Special Congratulations go to Janov Clervil who is the recipient of a Merit Award for his artwork (show left), which will be presented at the Awards Reception to be held onSunday, February 5, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the James Howe Gallery. Janov is also eligible for the 2011-2012 AANJ High School Achievement Award.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Knowledge Is Power

          The Student council is planing on doing some things for the school and the community. 
 Here are some topics that student council is discussing at this time 
* Peer to peer academic mentoring
* Field trips for the school - The Beach in June, Dorney Park, Six flags, Martha's Vineyard (Black History)
* Spring Festival - A Community outreach FUN program
* Bring Back Field Day to the High School - teams made up across grades and then just one event that is a class event
* Dress down, Jean day - funding!!!
* Graduation - Collaboration with the Senior Class and the Yearbook to produce a Senior Class Video
* Graduating students with a 3.4 gpa or higher can receive a special OHS gear - sweats/ hoody /blanket?
* Spirit week - 3 separate weeks during the year - beginning - middle - end
* Unity Day - once a month - (Orange, Yellow, Blue, Red?)
* Community outreach component - Book Drive, Teddy Bear drive - hosted at the Firehouse
* Valentines Day week - 1 day for community, 1 day for the students at OHS, 1 day to reach out to the schools

Friday, January 20, 2012

Meet Your New Student Council members!

President ~ Senior, Jairam Kissoon
Vice President ~ Senior Molene Ogany
Secretary-Treasurer ~ Senior Juliana Oware
12th Grade: Jasmin Bryan, Lilian Okafor, Vivian Okafor
10th Grade: Tyrell Benton, Mecca John, Ruchama Sun

This year the students voted via text for their President. Paper ballots were available for those who did not have access to a phone or chose not to use their minutes.

We are in great need of 11th grade representatives. if you want to represent class of 2013 please see Ms.Cunningham.

Monday, January 16, 2012

"Fine Art is that in which the head, the hand, and the heart of man go together"

         Any student who likes to draw, likes cartoons, comic books, anime' or video games would be interested in this club the Cartooning club which takes place in Trailer C on Tuesdays from 2:45-3:45. . Ms. Falda will display the student work at the high school's annual art show in June.